About Infrastructure
School's infrastructure and various facilities being provided by the Bhartiya PublicSchool Sultanpur High are discussed below.
Location & Approach
Bhartiya Public School Sultanpur High, is located in the periphery of Chamba Town of Himachal Pradesh state of India. In Mc Chamba area of Chamba block of Chamba district. Area pincode is 176310.
School is just adjacent to the main sultanpur chowk near police post by all weather road.
School owns a library for students and staff and there are near about 1432 books in the library.
Computer Lab
There is a computer lab in school for learning purpose and almost 7 computers are there in the computer lab.
Play Ground
School also owns a play ground for sports and extracurricular activities.
Computer Aided Learning (CAL)
To make teaching learning process joyful, interesting and easy to understand through audio-visual aids School has implemented CAL (Computer Aided Learning) or better known as Computer Based Learning. CAL is currently functional in the school as well as Smart Class Rooms with contents from Nursery to 10 supplied by the Educom.